Workout Wednesday

I had always been a pretty slender person.  Growing up I never thought about exercising and watching what I ate.  I didn’t feel like I needed to.  I could have brownies for breakfast (hey, they have eggs and milk in them.  Totally  healthy!) and half of a tub of ice cream at night and not gain any weight.  It never occurred to me that going to cheerleading and track practice and ballet was exercise and I learned it the hard way when I got to college and stopped doing those things but continued to eat with abandon.  After that my weight fluctuated a bit but was pretty stable but also more than I wanted.  I wish I could be one of those people who didn’t care about sweets, but unfortunately chocolate is one of my BFFs.

My friend, Stef who is a personal trainer is one of my role models when it comes to this.  Cookies and cake never bother her whereas I have to make a conscious effort not to have them in my house.  I found a stray cookie hiding the other day and couldn’t get it out of my head.  It kept calling out to me trying to get me to talk to it, but my mom and dad taught me never to talk to strangers (or strange cookies) so I stayed strong.  A few minutes later the craving passed.  I felt awesome.  Then the doorbell rang.  When I answered it I was staring at a girl scout with her wagon full of girls scout cookies.  Over $100 later I am now the proud owner of 15 boxes of Tagalongs and 22 boxes of Thin Mints.

Enter my friend Sara.  Sara is one of the reasons I decided to start blogging.  She recently posted about this book on her blog, Sara Vanessa, so I decided to get it from the library.  I’m hoping it’ll reset my system and I’m liking it a lot so far!  I plan on incorporating what I learn from this into my everyday lifestyle.


When my friend from college, Jenn was blogging (and I hope she starts up again soon!) she had a weight loss section.  I loved reading how she slowly but surely was getting to her goal and when she hit hers I decided it was time to do the same.  I still had about 10 lbs of baby weight to lose (and they were almost 2 at this point), plus a little bit more that I wanted to add to my goal.  I started on Memorial Day 2014 and in early September I hit my goal.  Sadly, the bad habits are coming back and that’s why I’m writing today.

I decided to call this “Workout Wednesdays” because I know I need more accountability as the week goes on.  I’m usually great on Mondays but as the week progresses I’m way off track.  My goal with this is to share recipes, my progress, meals for the week, and the good, bad, and ugly of getting to where I want to be.

Goal: To lose 10 lbs and tone up and enjoy having a treat once in a while, but not overindulge.

Progress: Today is day one so no progress yet.  I have several things going on that can get me off track and I’m hoping to stay strong.

The Good: I started off the week great!  I had a protein shake for breakfast on Monday, some eggs as a mid-morning snack, a huge salad for lunch, and a healthy dinner.

The Bad (and possibly The Ugly): The kids had a birthday party for one of their classmates yesterday after school.  I decided to forgo the mid-morning snack thinking I would just eat at the party.  Dumb move.  I was starving by the time I ate and ended up eating my food, plus what the kids didn’t finish, and my son’s cake and ice cream. Add that along with the wine I had last night because I was getting ready to lose my mind and it was not a good day.

Workouts: Currently I’m doing T25.  I did this last year at this time and saw results.  The workouts are only 25 minutes and I feel it and feel accomplished when I’m done.  I’m in the first week of beta cycle and today was Rip’t Circuit so there was weight training as well.

Dinners this week:

Monday: Pork chops and broccoli

Tuesday: Italian chicken and asparagus

Wednesday: spicy salmon and quinoa

Thursday: Turkey meatloaf and brussels sprouts with garlic aioli

Friday: Out!

Saturday: Party time!  Gonna make friends with the veggie tray!

Sunday: Buffalo shrimp and rice

What are you currently eating?  I’m looking for some good snack ideas so please share your ideas and recipes!

And just because they’re cute:

unnamed          unnamed-1

3 thoughts on “Workout Wednesday

  1. I eat nuts mix as a snack.
    I mix different kind of nuts with raisins,dried cranberry and sunflower seeds.
    And i always carry this mix with me with a bottle of water. This stops me from eating unhealthy and spending money on unhealthy snacks.

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